Explore Majors and Careers

Choosing a major or occupation is often one of the first career decisions you will encounter as you move through the career development process. The Career Development Center knows that this choice can be both exciting and challenging to navigate. Below you will find a variety of tools and services to assist you in making your career decision. You may want to begin with the “My Next Move “Interest Profiler to evaluate your abilities, interests, and values or you may want to peruse the Occupational Outlook Handbook to explore careers and information on salaries, job outlook, typical work duties, training, and education, or skills required for a particular occupation.

My Next Move
Interest profiler sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration

What Can I Do with this Major?
Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this website will help you connect majors to careers

The Occupational Outlook Handbook
Provides facts about careers by job titles, including job outlook/growth, salary expectations, and any licensure or certifications needed

O*NET Online
Database of career information, broken down by job title to explain what a Career is really like

Candid Career
Watch informational video interviews featuring industry professionals

Uses psychometrically-valid brain games to uncover your natural talents, then combine those aptitude measures with interests to generate the YouScience Profile. Within your Profile, you’ll be able to explore your aptitudes, review personalized career matches, and develop affirming language to better highlight your assets in interviews and resumes. This assessment is a required assignment in UNV 300/400 courses. Taking the assessment separate from these courses is okay and will just mean that assignment is already completed.

If you would like to take the YouScience assessment, send an email to careerdevelopmentcenter@datsumoki.net, and request access to the test.